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Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences (K-6)

Home of Knights

Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences (K-6)

Home of Knights


Principal's message

Principal's message

July 2023
Dear Smythe Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We have missed you all so much and we cannot wait to have all our students back on campus and in the classroom this year!
This year our schedule is the same as last year. Smythe, along with all schools in Twin Rivers USD, is on an Early Release Wednesday schedule. This means all students start school at the same time every day and are dismissed two hours early every Wednesday. Early Release Wednesday will give teachers additional professional development and collaboration time that will help students and help us meet the challenge of the Common Core State Standards.
Here are our school hours for 2022-2023:
Early Release Wednesday
7:30 – 7:55
7:30 – 7:55
7:30 – 7:55
7:30 – 7:55
7:30 – 7:55
School starts
School ends
Important dates:
August 2—School office reopens from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 916-566-2740
August 9—Class lists posted on the office window at 4:00. You can also find out your teacher on Aeries after you “confirm” your student’s information (see next page).
August 11—11:15-12:00 Ice Cream Social—Enjoy ice cream on us & meet your new teacher! (See next page.)
August 17—First day of school!
August 31 Back to School Night from 5:30-7:00. You will learn more about your children’s classrooms, our curriculum, homework policies and important ways to help make this school year a success for your family.
We have many fun family events planned for the year (you will get a list in August!) and we want to see you at every one of them! As you know, part of our charter is that we ask every family to volunteer for 30 hours per year. You can earn hours toward your 30 Parent Volunteer hours for attending any school event, by going to a cultural event (i.e. play, museum), by serving on our School Site Council or ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) and/or helping your child’s teacher. Every time you volunteer, log your volunteer time and make a positive difference in our children’s lives!
Start strong by coming to our Ice Cream Social and earning 1 hour!
We want all students to graduate high school, college and career ready, and working together we can make it happen! If you have questions, please feel free to call the school at (916) 566-2740. 
Ken Dandurand
Principal, Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences